Extension of Life Expectancy and Contribution to the Increase of Death of Genetic Origin

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Gil Bellis
Alain Parant


The purpose of this paper is to investigate the consequences of the human ageing on the frequency of genetic diseases.

Taking the exemple of the Huntington disease, we try to evaluate the expected increase in the number of persons affected in France, until the year 2020, based on demographic data and population projections. Because of the frequency of the gene responsible of this particular pathology, the number of cases is expected to raise according to increase in health expectancy and the future growth of aged population.

Population ageing seems responsible of the appearance of endogenous diseases which are often provoking invalidity.


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How to Cite
Bellis, G., & Parant, A. (2000). Extension of Life Expectancy and Contribution to the Increase of Death of Genetic Origin. Stanovnistvo, 38(1-4), 29–40. https://doi.org/10.2298/STNV0004029B


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