Intergenerational solidarity in care: A case study in Serbia

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Mirjana Bobić
Milica Vesković Anđelković


This paper discusses intergenerational solidarity in care from the perspective of women, focusing on mothers as the main providers. It has been carried out in the context of very low fertility, negative population change, and advanced ageing in Serbia, amid conditions of strong familism. Two types of care were analysed: care of children and of elderly parents. Qualitative research was carried out in two towns and their outskirts: Belgrade and Kraljevo. The main method was a case study based on interviews and observation. The first aim was to shed light on the informal support mothers/parents receive around children: who helps them, what help they receive, and why they receive help. The results supported the authors’ initial expectations that mothers/parents rely heavily on grandparents, primarily grandmothers. The help grandparents provide is reported to be daily, extensive, and exhaustive. Mothers, however, deem that it contributes to happy and healthy ageing.

Although caring for elderly people is still not widespread among respondents, they nevertheless presented their views on the issue. Again, in line with initial assumptions, care of elderly people was shown to be an indispensable part of family life. The empirical results reflect that the main explanation stems from strong solidarity based on kinship, which thus moulds both attitudes and behaviour. Elderly parents will be taken care of by their children, and this is considered natural, self-understandable, and an expression of vast gratitude. Putting elderly people into institutional care (nursing homes) is a rare choice that is only made when they cannot live on their own and take care of themselves, or if there are many elderly kin who need support.


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Bobić, M., & Vesković Anđelković, M. (2020). Intergenerational solidarity in care: A case study in Serbia. Stanovnistvo, 58(2), 1–22.


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